Hardcore Ironman Accomplishments
Hardcore Ironman Mode is one of the most challenging ways to play Old School RuneScape. You must stand alone with the smallest of mistakes potentially ending your Hardcore journey.
Listed below are the first players to accomplish some of the more impressive feats on Hardcore accounts, as well as the accomplishments we are tracking that are yet to be achieved.
Accomplishment | Username | Date |
Capes | ||
First to achieve a quest point cape | HC Umea | 28/11/16 |
First to achieve an achievement diary cape | Active Whale | 28/07/17 |
First to achieve a max cape | Guile | 12/10/17 |
First to achieve an infernal cape | H ard | 22/11/17 |
Achievement Diaries | ||
First to complete the Ardougne achievement diary | Why Shave | 15/02/17 |
First to complete the Desert achievement diary | HC Umea | 31/03/17 |
First to complete the Falador achievement diary | HC Umea | 26/03/17 |
First to complete the Fremennik achievement diary | HC Umea | 30/01/17 |
First to complete the Kandarin achievement diary | HC Umea | 19/02/17 |
First to complete the Karamja achievement diary | HC Umea | 29/03/17 |
First to complete the Lumbridge achievement diary | evonaabi | 07/01/17 |
First to complete the Morytania achievement diary | Le BearFace | 25/12/16 |
First to complete the Varrock achievement diary | HC Umea | 06/02/17 |
First to complete the Western achievement diary | HC Umea | 06/01/17 |
First to complete the Wilderness achievement diary | Active Whale | 29/05/17 |
Quests | ||
First to complete Desert Treasure | Hcim slot | 15/11/16 |
First to complete Monkey Madness | Koda Is Hard | 11/11/16 |
First to complete Monkey Madness 2 | Maining | 27/11/16 |
First to complete Dragon Slayer 2 | LLIRSHSLSIEi | 04/01/18 |
Boss Kills | ||
First Jad kill | Death By DC | 16/11/16 |
First Zulrah kill | HC Hyger | 27/11/16 |
First Abyssal Sire kill | HC BEARD | 07/12/16 |
First Corporeal Beast kill | RoT Wins BTW | 05/12/16 |
First Venenatis kill | HCIMFailure | 29/11/16 |
First Callisto kill | RoT Wins BTW | 30/11/16 |
First Vet'ion kill | 4forty7seven | 21/11/16 |
First K'ril Tsutsaroth kill | HC Hyger | 26/11/16 |
First General Graardor kill | HC ForGG | 01/12/16 |
First Commander Zilyana kill | HC Hyger | 28/11/16 |
First Kree'arra kill | HC Hyger | 30/11/16 |
First Dagannoth Supreme kill | HC BEARD | 16/11/16 |
First Dagannoth Prime kill | Juan Try | 20/11/16 |
First Dagannoth Rex kill | Fauxcus | 16/11/16 |
First Vorkath kill | LLIRSHSLSIEi | 04/01/18 |
Rare Drops | ||
First Tyrannical Ring drop | Caerus | 28/12/18 |
First Treasonous Ring drop | Rangerz | 27/04/18 |
First Ring of the Gods drop | Bet Joe Dies | 02/05/20 |
First Magic Fang drop | Carlo | 24/02/17 |
First Serpentine Visage drop | HC BEARD | 12/02/17 |
First Tanzanite Fang drop | HC Umea | 04/02/17 |
First Unsired drop | Miwi | 15/02/17 |
First Elysian Sigil drop | Oispa Kaljaa | 08/04/18 |
First Spectral Sigil drop | Hardc0reBruh | 04/06/19 |
First Arcane Sigil drop | Lowlander | 25/03/18 |
First Armadyl Hilt drop | HC Hound | 02/11/17 |
First Bandos Hilt drop | Fuse is HARD | 23/05/17 |
First Saradomin Hilt drop | white cat22 | 04/05/17 |
First Zamorak Hilt drop | Miwi | 08/03/17 |
First Berserker Ring drop | HC Alfie | 01/12/16 |
First Warriors Ring drop | Cant kill HG | 28/12/16 |
First Seers Ring drop | lRAQI | 12/02/17 |
First Archers Ring drop | lRAQI | 10/02/17 |
Pet Drops | ||
First Dagannoth Supreme pet | Datames | 04/09/17 |
First Dagannoth Prime pet | Hardcore bud | 05/05/17 |
First Dagannoth Rex pet | Hc TonyD | 22/03/17 |
First Kree'arra pet | white cat22 | 31/07/17 |
First Graardor pet | Hc Canadian | 01/02/18 |
First Zilyana pet | LLIRSHSLSIEi | 23/12/17 |
First K'ril Tsutsaroth pet | Fauxcus | 10/08/17 |
First TzTok-Jad pet | Hardcore bud | 04/04/17 |
First Vet'ion pet | - | - |
First Callisto pet | Lydia Kenney | 17/09/18 |
First Venenatis pet | BrettVenKilr | 04/11/19 |
First Scorpia pet | - | - |
First Chaos Elemental pet | Clean Legs | 25/12/17 |
First King Black Dragon pet | Apophis | 31/05/17 |
First Giant Mole pet | Perish3d | 03/01/17 |
First Corporeal Beast pet | Hardc0reBruh | 16/09/19 |
First Zulrah pet | Guile | 07/04/17 |
First Kalphite Queen pet | Soulmourns | 10/04/18 |
First Cerberus pet | A Lex | 14/04/17 |
First Thermonuclear Smoke Devil pet | I Farted | 04/04/17 |
First Kraken pet | HC Umea | 28/12/16 |
First Abyssal Sire pet | Fauxcus | 06/08/17 |
First Skotizo pet | HC Koss | 04/05/17 |
First Olm pet | HardBuldge | 07/08/17 |
First TzKal-Zuk pet | Chrris | 11/08/18 |
First Vorki pet | Deathconnect | 07/06/19 |
First Noon/Midnight pet | Soulmourns | 18/03/18 |
Other Accomplishments | ||
First to have 1 billion coins in bank | Shanksen | 21/02/19 |
First to complete a master clue scroll | white cat22 | 29/11/16 |